Cheat Codes For Pokemon Crystal Version For Gameboy Color
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Pokemon Crystal Version Just like in the and you first start off in Pokemon Crystal rom Professor Elm Calls you down into his building and asks you to run a errand for him. Then he gives you a Pokemon to start out with. You are able to choose one out of the three he presents you. Cyndaquil the fire type, Chikorita the grass type, or Totodile the water type are the three Pokemon Crystal starters to select from. They will assist you on your journey throughout the game. You then are asked to go to Mr Pokemon’s house.
Once you’re their. You’ll meet none other than the Pokemon Professor himself Mr Oak who has dedicated his life into learning everything there is about Pokemon. He basically carved himself into the ultimate Pokemon master, so anything he tells you is not to be taken with a grain of salt. He sizes you up for a bit then decides to hand you a Pokedex which will assist you on your journey throughout the Poke world. The Pokemon crystal pokedex enables you to do various things such as discover different traits each Pokemon possesses and other useful information. Once everything is settled between the both of you and you head on back to Professor Elms establishment, you will encounter a mysterious yet envious Pokemon Trainer who seems to hate everything about you. Note that you will see him various times throughout the game.
Whenever you defeat this jealous trainer and head on over back to New Bark Town, you’ll find out that some burglar had invaded Professor Elms lab and took one of his precious Pokemon. You’ll soon find out that the Pokemon in the pokemon crystal version that had been took was the same one you faced against in the mysterious battle on the way here! Free Download Video Super 7 Best Friend Forever more.
Of course the same description of the thief is the same description the Professor provides. Also note that it doesn’t matter which Pokemon you choose in the beginning. The mysterious trainer will always pick the Pokemon who is super effective against yours. That mysterious Pokemon trainer is going to be your rival throughout the entire course of the game. You’ll both battle against each other a slew of times proving which one of y’all is going to be the ultimate Pokemon Master. Okay so now Team rocket has decided to return with a whole brand new attitude, and since Giovanni has abandoned them, they are trying and I say that with a sarcastic tone to take over the Pokemon world, starting with Johto.
So it’s no surprise that Team Rocket is up to no good. They’re chopping off the tails of slowpokes, slapping a high price tag on them, and selling them as grub for the local towns. That’s not all of it though, they’re also cooking up plans to use the radio frequencies to stunt the growth of the local Pokemon residing at Lake Of Rage.
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