Java Rxtx Usb Serial Cable

Hi All, I've been following the playground guide for connecting an Arduino with Java (specifically in the Netbeans IDE) via the RXTX library: I did encounter problems with finding certain's in the code and having the native lib and java lib files mismatched, like most people on these forums seem to be have issues with, but got those figured out. Now the code compiles and seems to run fine, without giving errors, except it emits the statement 'Could not find COM port.' Jaime Escalante Math Program Elachee.
PL2303 Serial Port I have installed the java RXTX 64 bit. My java application communicates with datalogger via rs232. Or a completely integrated USB cable. Other Examples. There are also other sites I looked at which had example code for serial port communication in Java. The sites are Programming Serial and Parallel Ports and Serial Port Access Using RXTX in Java, which are both in the Reference section.
I did a bit of troubleshooting, to see if the problem revolved around naming the wrong port, but it turns out that the program doesn't even get into the main while loop that cycles through and tries to match the port names, which I can only assume is simply because no ports are found at all. This lead me to try and list the ports from the program, but none were found, even though on the Arduino IDE I have multiple bluetooth ports in addition to the actual Arduino tty.modem port I'm trying to connect to. Is this a problem with the library? Note that I'm very new to netbeans and am possibly missing something simple, but I've tried everything I can find online for troubleshooting. I'm running everything on Mac OS X 10.9.4 (Mavericks) as well. Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance! I am not an expert on the recent macs, but on windows, if you had the arduino plugged into the usb, which was appearing as a serial port on the pc, and the arduino IDE was using it, then the netbeans program would not be able to use it.
To put it simply, only one program can access the particular serial port. What I would have to do, if I wanted to do that, is probably shut down the arduino IDE, unplug the usb cable running to the arduino, plug it back into the computer, and then the application running in netbeans would be able to grab the serial port for itself. Final Destination 2 Full Movie In Hindi 720p Torrent. Someone else had trouble with that Playground Guide and posted their solution in the last 2 or 3 days. I use JRuby (which uses the JVM) and I don't think I ever had any problems with RxTx - apart from stupid things I did. Ao Manual Of Fracture Management Hand And Wrist Pdf To Excel. I have now switched over to using JSSC which seems much more straightforward and is well documented.