Jvc Fm Cordless Transmitter 900 Mhz Manual Transmission

Asks: 'I've recently been looking at getting some wireless headphones of the RF rather than infra-red variety. After for a it struck me that I don't actually want a whole new set of headphones. I already have a nice pair of headphones as well as earphones. What I really want is an RF transmitter and a small clip on receiver that I can plug my existing headphones/earphones into. The problem is, I can't find anyone selling what I am describing, even don't quite have what I'm looking for. Does anyone know/have experience of such a product?'
'I see several advantages to this: • Adaptability: I can then use earphones/headphones as appropriate for the activity, or possibly use it as an RF link between hardware in different rooms • Replacability: If I damage the headphones I only have to replace them, not the whole headphone/receiver unit; this bit will hopefully lead to. • Lower costs Has anyone seen something like this, before?' Of course it will work. I've done this before.
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Get yourself one of those cheap FM transmitters that transmits in the normal 88-107Mhz band (it's low power). I think radioshack even carries them (or they used to.) Searching google works too. Then get a cheap AM/FM 'walkman'. I have a freebee from some tradeshow that's only about 1/2' thick, 1-1/2' square, with a belt clip. They guy is going to be a few feet from the transmitter.
All sources of interference except from his computer will be a non-issue. I just bought this same transmitter(moving across country, rental truck, want CD's, you get the idea) and it really does work great.as long as it was motionless with respect to the reciever.
I stuck it on my Rio mp3 player, and carried it about with my stereo tuned in, and as I moved I heard static. When I stopped, it was fine. It easily worked across the room, but quality declined when too close too the monitor, or behind the computer(was thinkin it might be easy way to get mp3's to stereo without cord). It seems like the old&cheap recharables I threw in it lasted ~8 hours, but I wasn't keeping track. I suppose now I need to figure out how to power it without the batterys, to make it really useful out of the car. I'm using, as I type this, JVC 900Mhz Wireless Headphones. Right this moment, Bon Jovi's 'Wild In The Streets' is blasting over them.