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I was really excited when I bought SH4. After playing SH 1, 2 & 3 i couldn't wait to play.

Game Maker Spaceship Engine Sound. Vba Serial Port Programming. I just started the game, so i'm not far (in the subways) but i must say i don't like it that much as SH 1,2,3. I play it on my PC and the button configuration is very bad, I changed it a little, but still i don't have Henry under control in situations of danger I play it in Easy mode, but i find it quit difficult because of those stupid ghosts!
I really don't like that about SH4, you just can't kill them!!! Isn't there a way i can kill them or that they can't harm you?? From what i've experianced of silent hill 4 it just does'nt give me the same feeling as the other ones i've played.I've yet to play sh 1 but 2,3 i just love to death.My ps 2 stopped playing ps2 games so i've been deprived exept for my copy of sh2 for xbox. Anyway i can't figure out what it is, but i just don't enjoy it as a Silent Hill title.It would have worked better for me, in my oppinion,if it was a seperate survival horror game rather than the fourth installment of sh. _________________ Sad suffering.
I knew him when, fair weather friend of mine. Try not to think, I merely blink. Hope to wish away the lies.
I SEE A PATTERN HERE. I like SH4's story and visuals but I had a looooooooooooooooooot of difficulty at first playing it. The gameplay is a bit redundant and I would have imagined by the fourth installment they would do something actually creative with it in a tangible sense but. _________________.that all my life I've been rushing up and down hills, leaping rivers, crashing over obstacles, never dreaming that one day that beautiful thing in flight would land on this earth and into my arms. Silent Hill 4 gets bashed unneccesarily, I think.
Yes, it does lack the atmosphere, and the fear, but the plot is a very good one. If they hadnt gone for the action-orientated gameplay, and stuck with horror, then I think it could've gone down very well. Plus the should've made the Victims rarer, and I think they'd work better if they were more for show, and less dangerous (but the player never knows that) Also, the people to Eileens room: You could've put her in her underwear at least once, Konami! Come on, people!