Visual Novel Little Busters Ex Translation

I know i have gone missing for around 1 month plus lol but i m still kicking here! Cisco Ip Phone Downloading Xmldefault Cnf Xml. A lot of thing went on and on with my dumb soldiering job now but well i m having break now til 2nd of 2012! In a whole, i m glad to return bak to my blog with great news. Free Download Hindi Movie Hd 720p more. LB/LBEX/LBME has finshed its translation. The link to it will be, as usual at tsukuru.
The memories of how i started Eroge/VN, mainly becuz of Little Busters! Pointer Sisters Contact Remastered Rar Download. I wanted to be able to read wad it is toking and i started my path of learning Japanese from here too. Although i might have much love for it anymore, however this play might jus strike something up again! As usual support the game by buying it, i bought myself a LE one with a Visual Guide book inside and tons of stuff ^_^.
ยป This is a wiki dedicated to translating eroge, visual novels, and doujin games. All contributions are welcome, as long as you don't mind them being public!