Dbhelper Class

Public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {. Public static final String DATABASE_NAME = 'myDB'. Public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; //Increment this each time you change the db. Public static final String CREATE_DB = '; //INSERT THE SQL STRING TO CREATE A DB. * CONSTRUCTOR. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use.
Returns the instance of this class associated with the database specified. Parameters: db - Database.
Returns: Instance of this class. • cacheTableName public void cacheTableName(java.lang.String soupName, java.lang.String tableName) Parameters: soupName - tableName - • getCachedTableName public java.lang.String getCachedTableName(java.lang. Tysoft Easypat Keygen Download. String soupName) Parameters: soupName - Returns: • cacheIndexSpecs public void cacheIndexSpecs(java.lang.String soupName, [] indexSpecs) Parameters: soupName - indexSpecs - • getCachedIndexSpecs public [] getCachedIndexSpecs(java.lang.String soupName) Parameters: soupName - Returns: • cacheFeatures public void cacheFeatures(java.lang.String soupName, java.util.List features). Caches a set of features given the soup name. Parameters: soupName - features - • getCachedFeatures public java.util.List getCachedFeatures(java.lang. 54m Usb Wireless Nic Driver Download. String soupName) Parameters: soupName - Returns: The set of features belonging to the given soup name.
• getCachedHasFTS public java. Download Driver Standard Vga Graphics Adapter Win7. lang.Boolean getCachedHasFTS(java.lang.String soupName) Parameters: soupName - Returns: • removeFromCache public void removeFromCache(java.lang.String soupName) Parameters: soupName - • getNextId public long getNextId(SQLiteDatabase db, java.lang.String tableName). If turned on, explain query plan is run before executing a query and stored in lastExplainQueryPlan and also get logged Parameters: captureExplainQueryPlan - true to turn capture on and false to turn off • getLastExplainQueryPlan public JSONObject getLastExplainQueryPlan() Returns: explain query plan for last query run (if captureExplainQueryPlan is true) • getSoupTableNameFromDb protected java.lang.String getSoupTableNameFromDb(SQLiteDatabase db, java.lang.String soupName) • safeClose protected void safeClose(Cursor cursor) Parameters: cursor.
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