Inpout32 Dll Serial Port Example
Serial port// allos (Posted 2006) can someone help me to learn how to send a signal via COM port from a blitzmax software? Woolf A Sketch Of The Past Pdf Writer. I need to interface a portable computer with another device and need to send a trigger to exactly mark the time of an event (keypress, for instance) in the second computer (equipped with a dedicated slot which can receive digital signals via COM port).yes, I never learned assembler thank you allos MattVonFat (Posted 2006) I'm not really savvy when it comes to what ports are what. Spectracam Milling Keygen Idm more.
I have got this code though which uses the Inpout32 DLL which can be downloaded from somewhere. I was using a 25 pin serial port and that seemed to work. Global IOP = LoadLibraryA('Inpout32') Global Out32(Port:Int,Value:Int)=getprocaddress(IOP,'Out32') Global Lpt1 = $9800 Out32(Lpt1,1) I used a tutorial someone posted to be able to load the DLL and the function. The second value in Out32 is a binary value which will trigger the pins. Lpt1 is the port number.
I think that should work for everyone. If you can't find the DLL on the internet I will upload to my website for you. [edit] I found the DLL: [/edit] allos (Posted 2006) thank you, but I think this code (and related web page) are about parallel port, not serial port bye allos Charrua (Posted 2008) Hi I'm plannig to move to BlitzMax, but first I need to know if the communication between blitzmax and ports (both serial and paralell) are posible. Have you found the way to stablish the link between blitzmax and the serial port?? By the way, if you have a usart in your pc (not via a usb to serial hardware), then you just do a Out to the base port of the usart (usually 0x3F8, see the hardware properties of your comm) that`s all for start a serial communiation. To change the speed and other parameter`s is more complicated.
Jul 25, 2016 Need some help with inpout32.dll and COM port. Success in doing this and use their code and setup as an example. Loaded the free serial port test. [Archive] Serial Port access using inpout32.dll in VB 6 Communications. Using the Signal Port to read in data instead of Data Port; Author: phebejtsov; Updated: 8 Aug 2006; Section: VB.NET; Chapter. Option Strict Off Option Explicit On Module InpOut32_Declarations 'Inp and Out declarations for port I/O using inpout32.dll. Example 2: Status Port (S7), pin 11 is grounded. The result should.
To read to, but if you are interested could talk later Juan plash (Posted 2008) There is a com module around here somewhere. Nigel Brown (Posted 2008) wxMAX will supply you with multi platform serial capability, and checkout my webpage for Parallel I/O under the BlitzMAX section look for DLPortIO. Click the name for link. Charrua (Posted 2008) Thank's I already use DLPortIO with Blitz3D and some.decls for kernel32.dll. I have no problem using any ono of them.

My quesiton is, how I do a similar thing with BlitzMax. I dont have BlitzMax, and probably move me to thath plataform, but I want to know before if it's posible to handle port's and how. Plash (Posted 2008).
I'm trying to learn a little bit about serial/com port communication using C++ and I'm using the inpout32.dll to get direct access since I'm under windows XP and I'm programming a console/dos app, (and I'm a beginner so no Win API for me yet, hence the inpout32.dll). And I'm using a Laptop without any real serial ports so I'm using a USB/serial converter, Put the problem is that the functions in inpout32.dll uses the addresse to the ports to write/read, So my question is, can I use the inpout32 approach to get direct access to the port when I'm using the USB/Serial, or is there another way or maybe a way to find out the adress to the 'emulated' serial port.
I think maybe it would be a good chance to start learning a bit of the windows API, it really is fairly simple (easy for me too say!) for what you're attempting to do. Any console application you create should still work for win32 programming. You can use the CreateFile/ReadFile/WriteFile to perform this without over complicating things. There are loads of tutorials that appear on google for this sort of thing and you won't get too bogged down in the API. The addresses for the ports are usually; com1 0x3f8 com2 0x2f8 in DOS, you would of used the outport inport functions to write/read data to these addresses in order to get the comport too dance. Which was technically asking the BIOS of the computer to perform the operation for you.