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More recently, in 2006, the company was purchased by Syntax-Brillian Corporation. After they filed for bankruptcy, it prompted Syntax-Brillian Corporation to sell off the brand name and intellectual property rights to in 2008. Vivitar's main website is located. Vivitar Support Vivitar provides technical support for their products through an online support website: It's through that link that you can get all the other Vivitar resources described below. Vivitar Driver Download Vivitar doesn't provide a way to download for their, so the only way to get drivers directly from Vivitar is to contact them through their support page: However, while you can do it that way, it's best to first visit the specific product page for the device in question.
If your need your device driver right now, you probably don't want to wait for an email response. Something else you could do is use a to search your computer for outdated or missing Vivitar drivers and install the ones you need. You don't even need to know the model or product name for these driver tools to work since they scan for any and all missing drivers and provide you with the download immediately. See if the resources above don't help. If you're new to updating drivers, check out our guide on for some easy to follow directions. Vivitar Product Manuals Just like with Vivitar driver downloads, there aren't any direct links to product manuals on their website. However, I'm sure you can request one by contacting support: Another method is to look for the manual elsewhere, not even on Vivitar's website.
Is one place that has hundreds of Vivitar manuals. Note: Product manuals are usually in the format. Is one free PDF reader you can download if you're not sure how to open the PDF file. Vivitar Telephone Support Vivitar provides technical support for US customers over the phone at 1-800-592-9541. Those of you in the UK can call Vivitar support at 0-800-917-4831. In Australia, use 1-800-006-614.
Before calling Vivitar technical support, I highly recommend reading through our. Vivitar Email Support Vivitar also provides email support for their hardware products if you'd rather not use: ( Additional Vivitar Support Options If you need support for your Vivitar hardware but haven't been successful contacting Vivitar directly, I recommend trying to reach out to them through their official or page. They also have a and page.
Also see for information about contacting me on social networks or via email if you need support with your Vivitar hardware and haven't had luck with one of the more official routes above. I've gathered as much Vivitar technical support information as I could and I frequently update this page to keep the information current. However, if you find anything about Vivitar that needs updated, please.